#include "GameManager.h" static pascal void Timer(EventLoopTimerRef r, void * d) { #pragma unused(r) VGame * g; UnsignedWide microseconds; float interval; Vector front, right, push; g = (VGame *)d; microseconds = UpTime(); interval = (10000.0 / (microseconds.lo - g->lastTime.lo)); g->lastTime = microseconds; if (!g->Paused) { RunWorld(&g->world, interval); } glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); ForwardsVector(&g->world.Camera, 1.0, &front); push = front; if (g->Direction & FORWARDS) { push.x *= (SHIPACCELERATION / interval); push.y *= (SHIPACCELERATION / interval); push.z *= (SHIPACCELERATION / interval); PushShip(&g->world.Physics, &push); } else if (g->Direction & BACKWARDS) { push.x *= -(SHIPACCELERATION / interval); push.y *= -(SHIPACCELERATION / interval); push.z *= -(SHIPACCELERATION / interval); PushShip(&g->world.Physics, &push); } CrossProduct(&g->world.Camera.Up, &front, &right); TurnShip(&g->world.Physics, g->Rotation, (SHIPTURNING / interval), &front, &right, &g->world.Camera.Up); AddVector(&g->world.Camera.Position, &front, &g->world.Camera.Look); DrawWorld(&g->world, interval); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); DrawCrossHair(&g->world); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glPopMatrix(); if(g->w.IsFullScreen) aglSwapBuffers(g->w.FullScreen); else aglSwapBuffers(g->w.Windowed); } static pascal OSStatus MenuSelected(EventHandlerCallRef r, EventRef e, void * d) { #pragma unused(r) VGame * g; HICommand TheCommand; g = (VGame *)d; GetEventParameter(e, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof(HICommand), NULL, &TheCommand); switch(TheCommand.commandID) { case 'FScn': if(g->w.IsFullScreen) CreateWindowedContext(&g->w); else CreateFullScreenContext(&g->w); return noErr; break; case 'abou': OpenAboutWindow(&g->m); return noErr; break; default: return eventNotHandledErr; } } static pascal OSStatus KeyDown(EventHandlerCallRef nextEvent, EventRef theEvent, void * userData) { #pragma unused (nextEvent) VGame * g; char charCode; UInt32 modifiers; g = (VGame *) userData; GetEventParameter(theEvent, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL, sizeof(char), NULL, &charCode); GetEventParameter(theEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &modifiers); switch (charCode) { case 28: /* Left arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~RIGHT; g->Rotation |= LEFT; break; case 29: /* Right arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~LEFT; g->Rotation |= RIGHT; break; case 30: /* Up arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~DOWN; g->Rotation |= UP; break; case 31: /* Down arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~UP; g->Rotation |= DOWN; break; case ' ': if(modifiers & shiftKey) { g->Direction = BACKWARDS; //ForwardsVector(&g->world.Camera, -CAMERASPEED, &g->cMovement); } else { g->Direction = FORWARDS; //ForwardsVector(&g->world.Camera, CAMERASPEED, &g->cMovement); } break; case 'f': case 'F': { VWeapon * theWeapon; Vector front; theWeapon = (VWeapon *) NewPtr(sizeof(VWeapon)); if (theWeapon != NULL) { InitWeapon(theWeapon, WEAPONTYPEBULLET); theWeapon->next = g->world.Weapons; g->world.Weapons = theWeapon; /*SubtractVector(&g->world.Camera.Position, &g->world.Camera.Look, &front); NormalizeVector(&front);*/ ForwardsVector(&g->world.Camera, 1, &front); StartWeapon(theWeapon, &g->world.Camera.Position, NULL, &front, &g->world.Camera.Up); } } break; case 'r': case 'R': { VWeapon * theWeapon; Vector front; theWeapon = (VWeapon *) NewPtr(sizeof(VWeapon)); if (theWeapon != NULL) { InitWeapon(theWeapon, WEAPONTYPEROCKET); theWeapon->next = g->world.Weapons; g->world.Weapons = theWeapon; ForwardsVector(&g->world.Camera, 1, &front); if (g->world.Enemies != NULL) { /* Temporary; Target first object in the object list */ StartWeapon(theWeapon, &g->world.Camera.Position, &g->world.Enemies->Object.Position, &front, &g->world.Camera.Up); } else if (g->world.Objects != NULL) { /* Temporary; Target first object in the object list */ StartWeapon(theWeapon, &g->world.Camera.Position, &g->world.Objects->Position, &front, &g->world.Camera.Up); } else { /* No particular target */ StartWeapon(theWeapon, &g->world.Camera.Position, &front, &front, &g->world.Camera.Up); } } } break; case 'p': if (g->Paused) { SetEventLoopTimerNextFireTime(g->timerRef, (kEventDurationSecond / 120.0)); g->lastTime = UpTime(); } else { SetEventLoopTimerNextFireTime(g->timerRef, kEventDurationForever); } g->Paused = !g->Paused; break; case ']': if (g->Paused) { g->Paused = 0; g->lastTime = UpTime(); g->lastTime.lo -= 100000; Timer(NULL, g); g->Paused = 1; } break; } return eventNotHandledErr; } static pascal OSStatus KeyUp(EventHandlerCallRef nextEvent, EventRef theEvent, void * userData) { #pragma unused(nextEvent) VGame * g; char charCode; g = (VGame *) userData; GetEventParameter(theEvent, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL, sizeof(char), NULL, &charCode); switch (charCode) { case 28: /* Left arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~LEFT; break; case 29: /* Right arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~RIGHT; break; case 30: /* Up arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~UP; break; case 31: /* Down arrow */ g->Rotation &= ~DOWN; break; case ' ': g->Direction &= ~(FORWARDS | BACKWARDS); break; } return eventNotHandledErr; } static pascal OSStatus AppActivated(EventHandlerCallRef nextEvent, EventRef theEvent, void * userData) { #pragma unused(nextEvent, theEvent) VGame * g; g = (VGame *) userData; if (!g->Paused) SetEventLoopTimerNextFireTime(g->timerRef, (kEventDurationSecond / 120.0)); g->lastTime = UpTime(); return eventNotHandledErr; } static pascal OSStatus AppDeactivated(EventHandlerCallRef nextEvent, EventRef theEvent, void * userData) { #pragma unused(nextEvent, theEvent) VGame * g; g = (VGame *) userData; SetEventLoopTimerNextFireTime(g->timerRef, kEventDurationForever); return eventNotHandledErr; } void InitGame(VGame * g) { EventTypeSpec eventType; InitCursor(); InstallEventLoopTimer(GetMainEventLoop(), 0, (kEventDurationSecond / 120.0), NewEventLoopTimerUPP(Timer), g, &g->timerRef); eventType.eventClass = kEventClassCommand; eventType.eventKind = kEventProcessCommand; InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(), NewEventHandlerUPP(MenuSelected), 1, &eventType, g, NULL); eventType.eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard; eventType.eventKind = kEventRawKeyDown; InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(KeyDown), 1, &eventType, g, NULL); eventType.eventClass = kEventClassKeyboard; eventType.eventKind = kEventRawKeyUp; InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(KeyUp), 1, &eventType, g, NULL); eventType.eventClass = kEventClassApplication; eventType.eventKind = kEventAppActivated; InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(AppActivated), 1, &eventType, g, NULL); eventType.eventClass = kEventClassApplication; eventType.eventKind = kEventAppDeactivated; InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(AppDeactivated), 1, &eventType, g, NULL); SetQDGlobalsRandomSeed(TickCount()); InitMenu(&g->m); InitWindow(&g->w); InitWorld(&g->world); g->Direction = STATIONARY; g->Rotation = STATIONARY; g->lastTime = UpTime(); g->w.quitOnClose = true; g->Paused = 0; } void RunGame(VGame * g) { InitGame(g); RunApplicationEventLoop(); CleanUpGame(g); } void CleanUpGame(VGame * g) { RemoveEventLoopTimer(g->timerRef); CleanUpWindow(&g->w); CleanUpMenu(&g->m); CleanUpWorld(&g->world); }