1:46 AM ¥ThemsAllTook left the chat room for this reason: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer). ¥ChanServ promoted ThemsAllTook to operator. ThemsAllTook: Shark crashed... 1:54 AM ThemsAllTook: Anybody still here? 2:15 AM NewJerseyDevil: Shark? ThemsAllTook: Profiler ThemsAllTook: Included with CHUD tools NewJerseyDevil: Oh. That Shark. ThemsAllTook: Blake's giving me a hand, though. 2:22 AM ThemsAllTook: Wow... Enabling culling did the trick! Huge speed boost! NewJerseyDevil: *gag* Best of luck. ThemsAllTook: Thanks. 2:28 AM NewJerseyDevil: My eyes are bleeding out of my head, but I think all bugs have been smashed. ThemsAllTook: Cool! ThemsAllTook: New build? ThemsAllTook: (My eyes are getting there, too... And I still have to design levels tonight!) 2:34 AM NewJerseyDevil: Last build. NewJerseyDevil: 2 AM here. NewJerseyDevil: No more time. NewJerseyDevil: Done. NewJerseyDevil: It sucks or it doesn't. NewJerseyDevil: Will put up and sleep the sleep of the dead. 3:00 AM NewJerseyDevil: Done, done, and done. ThemsAllTook: URL? ¥NewJerseyDevil http://www.ellrx.com/idevil/ NewJerseyDevil: Good luck with yours. ThemsAllTook: Argh... Must not get distracted... NewJerseyDevil: I must go die down now...er...lie down now. ThemsAllTook: 3 AM and I haven't built the levels yet... ThemsAllTook: Goodnight. NewJerseyDevil: 'Night. ¥NewJerseyDevil left the chat room for this reason: Remote closed the connection. 3:56 AM ¥OneSadCookie joined the chat room. ¥ChanServ promoted OneSadCookie to operator. OneSadCookie: evenin' anyone who's here ¥Kattmat joined the chat room. 4:02 AM OneSadCookie: not any more helpful in here, sorry Kattmat: Hah. Nah, just checking it out. OneSadCookie: it's a lot like an IRC channel Kattmat: Yeah, I sort of figured that one out. OneSadCookie: you must be OneSmartCookie Kattmat: I take that as an highdegree insult. OneSadCookie: ¥Kattmat eats the cookie out of OneSadCookie. ¥OneSadCookie is now known as OneSad. Kattmat: Oh, chocolat. 4:08 AM OneSad: not mint? 4:13 AM ¥OneSad bakes more cookies ¥OneSad is now known as OneSadCookie. 4:22 AM Kattmat: I would say chocolat with a minty crisp, acctually. Kattmat: And a strange small touch of lime. 4:27 AM ¥pwrx left the chat room for this reason: "User disconnected". ThemsAllTook: Oh, people are here now. Didn't notice. ThemsAllTook: Hi Keith, Hi Kattmat OneSadCookie: howdy alex ThemsAllTook: 4:30 AM... Designing levels. OneSadCookie: heh, I thought it must be late for you ThemsAllTook: And debugging. OneSadCookie: when's the due date? ThemsAllTook: In 6 1/2 hours. OneSadCookie: man, get some sleep ThemsAllTook: Can't... ThemsAllTook: Have to finish! ThemsAllTook: Blake's distracting me, though... OneSadCookie: you won't be able to stay awake 'til the end, and you won't be as productive OneSadCookie: is he gettimeofday boy? 4:33 AM ThemsAllTook: If I go to sleep now, I'll sleep right through the deadline. ThemsAllTook: Uh... Might be. ThemsAllTook: Creating a super-fancy game engine. OneSadCookie: "why doesn't adding microseconds to seconds give me a meaningful number?!" ThemsAllTook: Heh ThemsAllTook: Yeah, I think that's him. ThemsAllTook: He was nice enough to help me optimize some of my code, though. OneSadCookie: display lists working out for you? ThemsAllTook: Yeah, quite well. Not as large of a speed boost as I'd hoped, though... Only about 10%. ThemsAllTook: Maybe 20% OneSadCookie: ThemsAllTook: I wish Josh had stayed up for another 20 minutes... Then I'd know whether it worked or not. 4:42 AM ¥hogdotmac joined the chat room. ThemsAllTook: Hello hogdotmac: hey 4:50 AM Kattmat: .shn = FLAC? ThemsAllTook: http://www.sacredsoftware.net/cgi-bin/download.cgi?fileID=infiltration ThemsAllTook: I need a copy of the MIT license to put with my source files. ThemsAllTook: At least, I think that's what Will wanted to use... OneSadCookie: wow, that's impossible 4:55 AM OneSadCookie: I can't even tell what's shooting at me, let alone kill it before I die ThemsAllTook: The levels that comes with that build are poorly designed. ThemsAllTook: Making new ones now... ThemsAllTook: Hrm... This looks a little bit funny. ThemsAllTook: Copyright (c) 2004 Alex Diener and Will P. ThemsAllTook: I guess it's OK... Kattmat: Hey cool game. 5:00 AM ThemsAllTook: Thanks! Kattmat: Kattmat: Just one question... Kattmat: Why did you choose XY rotations instead of XZ ? ThemsAllTook: I couldn't get XZ working properly. ThemsAllTook: XY ended up being easier. ThemsAllTook: It's also a bit easier to control. Kattmat: Okey. Kattmat: Hm. Kattmat: XZ isn't much harder. Are you using vectors or cos/sin equations? ThemsAllTook: Vectors Kattmat: Okey, then it's easy. Kattmat: Hm. One more thing I noticed.. It would feel more natural if downarrow = nose up by default. ThemsAllTook: OK Kattmat: But still, it's up to you to choose. ThemsAllTook: Well... Some people like it one way, some people like it the other. Kattmat: Really neat game, anyway. Congrats and good luck in the contest. Kattmat: Precisely. ThemsAllTook: Thanks! ThemsAllTook: I'm normally a down = up guy myself, but for some reason I play this game as down = down, up = up... ThemsAllTook: Don't know why... Just feels more natural somehow. 5:06 AM ThemsAllTook: Maybe it's because it's keyboard controlled. Kattmat: Heh Kattmat: Maybe so Kattmat: Had to play it again. ThemsAllTook: YEAH! I'm down to 2 items on my to-do list... ThemsAllTook: I need to build 8 more levels or so, and make the powerups display in the console. 5:11 AM Kattmat: Kattmat: Hm. Kattmat: If I have 3 vector positions, and a center-position to them. ThemsAllTook: Suggestions are still welcome, though. Kattmat: (like 3 wheels, one in the middle front and too in the back) Kattmat: How do I calculate a view and up vector from that? Kattmat: ThemsAllTook: I'll let you know if I come to think of anything. But like I said, it was really really neat. ThemsAllTook: Cool ThemsAllTook: Cross product is your friend. Kattmat: How to use it in this case? ThemsAllTook: I keep a front, an up, and a right vector for every object... ThemsAllTook: I'm not really sure... Kattmat: Yeah,I do the same. Kattmat: Then you can translate them using matrix-math. Kattmat: But I want an orientation from these 3 points. ThemsAllTook: If I thought about it hard enough I might be able to tell you... But what little brain power I have left at 5:15 AM is going into my game right now. 5:16 AM Kattmat: Hah. Kattmat: It's cool, man. ThemsAllTook: ThemsAllTook: I can't take all the credit... Will gets half. Kattmat: OneSadCookie: didn't I give you the code for that the other night, anton? Kattmat: OneSadCookie: You gave me the matrixcode used by gluLookAt so I could use that to transform my objects. Kattmat: You didn't give me a any points-to-orientation code. OneSadCookie: no, that wasn't glulookat OneSadCookie: that was up-front-right-to-orientation-matrix Kattmat: Oh. I'm sorry. That's what I meant. Kattmat: Haven't woken up yet. 5:21 AM OneSadCookie: so I did give you points-to-orientation code... Kattmat: Hah, oh if you say it like that you did. Kattmat: But I want to calculate the up/front/right vectors using 4 (wheel) points. Kattmat: So I get the rotation of the car. OneSadCookie: fair enough Kattmat: hogdotmac: you only need 3 OneSadCookie: front = average(left front - left back, right front - right back) for example, Kattmat: hogdotmac = Depends on the shape of the vehicle, right? OneSadCookie: and right = average(right front - left front, right back - left back) OneSadCookie: no, you only need 3 points to get the orientation Kattmat: Two in the front, two in the back? OneSadCookie: regardless of the shape of the vehicle hogdotmac: if you have 3 wheels in the back you do need more OneSadCookie: no? OneSadCookie: 3 points still completely specifies an orientation in three dimensions Kattmat: Keith: up = cross(front, right) ? hogdotmac: not if they are all on one line OneSadCookie: or the other way round, yes OneSadCookie: clemens: true Kattmat: Does it matter? OneSadCookie: does what matter? OneSadCookie: one of front x right and right x front is up, the other is down, so yes it does matter hogdotmac: isn't cross(front,right) = down? OneSadCookie: I can never remember which way round it goes 5:26 AM ThemsAllTook: cross(front, right) = up ThemsAllTook: cross(right, front) = down Kattmat: Aha. ThemsAllTook: I remember because cross(right, up) = front... Right up front. Kattmat: Hmm. hogdotmac: ok Kattmat: I said "up = cross(front,right)" and keith says "or the other way round, yes" Kattmat: Huuum. ThemsAllTook: Heh OneSadCookie: it probably actually depends on whether you're using right- or left-handed coordinates Kattmat: Probalbly. Kattmat: Oh, nice spelling. Kattmat: Averige of 2 vectors? hogdotmac: when looking at my right hand i always forget which finger should point where... OneSadCookie: average OneSadCookie: is correct OneSadCookie: and what I wrote Kattmat: (v1.x+v2.x)/2, (v1.y+v2.y)/2, (v1.z+v2.z)/2 ? OneSadCookie: yep Kattmat: Okey, thanks. hogdotmac: then you simpley get to the columns of your matrix from there hogdotmac: *-e 5:32 AM ThemsAllTook: Anybody here have a GeForce 4 MX? Kattmat: Got a gefore2, but it's not mac-compatible. OneSadCookie: I have a 4mx on the shelf... ThemsAllTook: OK... ThemsAllTook: Is Josh ever here in the morning? ThemsAllTook: (As in a few hours from now) OneSadCookie: no ThemsAllTook: Damn. OneSadCookie: I think I found you a tester... ThemsAllTook: Oh well... I guess I'll have to hope that A. It's just his computer, B. It's fixed, or C. It doesn't matter than that game runs like shit on it. OneSadCookie: his aim is hmaddocks@mac.com OneSadCookie: he'll go to bed soon, so don't lose the chance OneSadCookie: henryj on the forums OneSadCookie: works with me ThemsAllTook: Josh!? OneSadCookie: no, henry OneSadCookie: he has a 4mx ThemsAllTook: Oh ThemsAllTook: OK, thanks! 5:42 AM ThemsAllTook: 5 FPS! What the fuck!? hogdotmac: ,3 OneSadCookie: heh ThemsAllTook: It's a freaking GeForce 4 MX! What could I possibly be doing that would make a Rage 128 Pro 4 TIMES as fast!? OneSadCookie: I'm guessing you're CPU-bound OneSadCookie: you could ask him to shark it Kattmat: Infiltration got 25fps in windowed-mode on my rage128pro ThemsAllTook: Sounds about right. OneSadCookie: either that or lines are just fucking slow on the 4mx OneSadCookie: which does ring a bell, actually ThemsAllTook: Keith: I tried to Shark it... It hung the system. OneSadCookie: neat ThemsAllTook: Maybe I'll try again... ThemsAllTook: If he turns off polygon fill, he gets 20FPS. OneSadCookie: hmm OneSadCookie: are you blending? OneSadCookie: no, that would kill the r128 even more OneSadCookie: what else does that disable? ThemsAllTook: Actually, yeah... I am doing some unnecessary blending, come to think of it. ThemsAllTook: Let's just disable that... OneSadCookie: maybe the r128 drivers have early-out for blending with alpha 1 or something 5:49 AM OneSadCookie: well, I reckon I'll go watch a movie until bedtime OneSadCookie: see y'all around ¥OneSadCookie left the chat room for this reason: Remote closed the connection. 5:56 AM Kattmat: Changing the line-width in opengl? ThemsAllTook: Not very much... Only 3 or 4 times per frame. Kattmat: glLineWidth maybe? ThemsAllTook: Yeah. ¥dog4 joined the chat room. Kattmat: dog4: mornin all ThemsAllTook: Hi DoG ¥ChanServ promoted dog4 to operator. Kattmat: Hey 6:08 AM ThemsAllTook: Ah... It's getting light again. dog4: i managed to get to bed before the sun came up today ThemsAllTook: I managed to not get to bed today. ThemsAllTook: 5 hours and 49 minutes left... 6:18 AM Kattmat: What's the difference between GL_POLYGON and GL_TRIANGLE ? ThemsAllTook: GL_TRIANGLES dog4: GL_POLYGON can be used to draw polygons with more than 3 sides dog4: as long as they are convex Kattmat: Aha. ¥hogdotmac left the chat room for this reason: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer). 6:40 AM ¥hogdotmac joined the chat room. ¥maxmutt joined the chat room. ThemsAllTook: Hello 6:46 AM ¥hogdotmac left the chat room for this reason: Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer). Kattmat: Positive gravity... Pah! And I have been trying to figure out why the all all the stuff is going upwards. ThemsAllTook: Hahahaha ThemsAllTook: This is pissing me off... Kattmat: By the way, encoding AAC files in iTunes while rendering 3d gives you great performance. Thumbs up! Kattmat: What is? 6:51 AM ThemsAllTook: glPolygonOffset(1.0, 0.0) works on a Radeon 8500, but not on a Rage 128 Pro. glPolygonOffset(0.0, 1.0) works on a Rage 128 Pro, but not on a Radeon 8500. ThemsAllTook: Drawing lines as decals gives shitty performance on a GeForce 4 MX. ThemsAllTook: I can't find something that works on one card but doesn't break another!!! Kattmat: Kattmat: Can't you check which card is in use and do the stuff with that as a reference? ThemsAllTook: Not sure how to do that. ThemsAllTook: OK... Really bad idea. I could make it a user setting. ThemsAllTook: Wow - Bad idea starting to look like very very good idea. dog4: you could create different preference sets for the different cards ThemsAllTook: Exactly. dog4: and have screen popup at first load so the user can choose ThemsAllTook: Maybe I'll just put something in the Read Me... ThemsAllTook: I'll have 3 different settings and hope that covers everybody. 6:57 AM dog4: nobody reads the readme dog4: do you store user prefs? ThemsAllTook: Yes. ThemsAllTook: Aah! Only 4 hours left... dog4: so it shouldn't be too hard to make a 1st startup flag ¥ThemsAllTook goes insane ThemsAllTook: Ah, true. ThemsAllTook: Feels so hackish, though... ThemsAllTook: But I don't know what else i could do. dog4: unless you have a way to detect the hardware automatically dog4: which is harder, i think ThemsAllTook: I don't know one. ThemsAllTook: Well, levels have to get done first. Then I'll see what I can do about this problem. 7:04 AM Kattmat: Hmm. Kattmat: Hmm. Kattmat: Hmm. Kattmat: .. Kattmat: Keith gave me some 4-points to orientation code. Kattmat: But how to do it if I only got 3 points? Kattmat: One in the front and two in the back? Kattmat: (A triangle that will say. =)) ThemsAllTook: Didn't he say you only need 3 anyway? ¥Diordna joined the chat room. Kattmat: Yeah he did. Kattmat: But I was thinking about using 4 first. Kattmat: But now I only need 3 Diordna: hi ThemsAllTook: Hi Stephen Kattmat: Hey. ThemsAllTook: Stephen: What computer do you have? (Particularly the CPU and GPU) Diordna: gigahertz emac Diordna: dunno what a gpu is ThemsAllTook: Graphics card Diordna: oh Diordna: h/o Diordna: how do i find out dog4: system profiler ThemsAllTook: Apple System Profiler can tell you. Diordna: i just looked there ThemsAllTook: Devices ThemsAllTook: AGP or PCI ThemsAllTook: (I think) Diordna: yeah Kattmat: ViewVector = Average( Point[0]-Point[2], Point[1]-Point[3] ); Kattmat: RightVector = Average( Point[1]-Point[0], Point[3]-Point[2] ); Kattmat: UpVector = Cross( ViewVector, RightVector ); Diordna: i see "ATY,RV200" Kattmat: Why does it slide when I do this? ThemsAllTook: OK... Don't know exactly what that is. Bu oh well. ThemsAllTook: Could you download something real quick, run it, and tell me what framerate you get? Diordna: under that it just has "CRT Display" and my resolution etc Diordna: sure 7:09 AM ThemsAllTook: htttp://www.sacredsoftware.net/cgi-bin/download.cgi?fileID=Infiltration ThemsAllTook: Thanks. Diordna: how big is it ThemsAllTook: 4400K or so. ThemsAllTook: Uh, no ThemsAllTook: 400K Diordna: k Diordna: oh good Kattmat: Thems: Can you figure my problem out? Point[0] is front-left, 1 is front right, 2 is back left and 3 is back right. dog4: diordna: under PCI/AGP Cards you should see the card ThemsAllTook: I'd love to, but I can't take my mind off my program now... Sorry. Kattmat: Thems: Aight. Kattmat: Diordna: well dog, if you can tell me what 'ATY,RV200" is then I've got it lol dog4: thats a radeon Diordna: radeon what Diordna: hey took, "error: invalid download file specified." ThemsAllTook: Whoops... Decapitalize the I. dog4: radeon 7500 uses anr RV200 ThemsAllTook: http://www.sacredsoftware.net/cgi-bin/download.cgi?fileID=infiltration Diordna: getting it ThemsAllTook: Cool Diordna: safari won't show it in the d/l window but it says there's 1 download...hmm.... Diordna: (in other words, safari bug) ThemsAllTook: Ah. 7:15 AM dog4: thats pretty cool. some mouse control would be nice though Diordna: btw took, how do I play Diordna: launching now Diordna: and hey, wait a second...I see there's a "don't fill polygons" option, but aren't you supposed to just not fill them, period? ThemsAllTook: I only fill them in the background color. ThemsAllTook: So it still looks vectorish. ThemsAllTook: And for how to play, see settings for controls. The rest is pretty self-explanatory. ThemsAllTook: DoG: Would have liked to have had it. Not enough time. Diordna: damn this game is friggin hard Diordna: who the hell is shooting at me?! ThemsAllTook: The levels included aren't very good. I'm working on the real levels right now. Diordna: it takes far too long to blow the little white guys up ThemsAllTook: Yeah. ThemsAllTook: Try rockets. 7:22 AM dog4: only 2 levels? ThemsAllTook: Working on more, as I said. ThemsAllTook: But yes, in that version. dog4: you can see the target selector through walls dog4: the blue thing around the targets ThemsAllTook: Yeah. ThemsAllTook: I think of it as part of the console in front of the ship pilot. Diordna: and, why are my looking directions limited? ThemsAllTook: 'Cause it was easier. Diordna: why can't I just keep looking up and I'll spin around and around? ThemsAllTook: Tired it... Didn't work, and didn't really add anything to the game. ThemsAllTook: Just made it easier to get dioriented. ThemsAllTook: So how many FPS do you get? ThemsAllTook: Both of you dog4: > 40 at all times dog4: sometims 80 Diordna: how do i get fps? Diordna: is it in the corner? ThemsAllTook: It's on the console. ThemsAllTook: DoG: Not bad at all. ThemsAllTook: Hardware? Diordna: ~110 ThemsAllTook: Awesome! dog4: g4/400 gf2 mx Diordna: lol i get 30 on my 2d game Diordna: then again you have next to no AI dog4: now i get around 25 dog4: strange dog4: lemme try fullscreen Diordna: the aliens are coming 7:27 AM Diordna: ooh me too Diordna: brb ThemsAllTook: DoG: Hah! That's way better than the GeForce 4 does! Diordna: hmm, now I get 54 ThemsAllTook: In fullscreen? Kattmat: Thems: Kattmat: I'l looking at your mapfiles. Diordna: yeah Kattmat: Might wanting to explain them? ThemsAllTook: Great, aren't they? Kattmat: Yeah. Kattmat: The way you build up the maps looks cool. ThemsAllTook: Which part do you want to know about? Kattmat: How does it work? Kattmat: The level-stuff. Kattmat: LevelSize: 5, 3, 5 Kattmat: And then loads of 1's and 0's Diordna: oh I see Diordna: i can tell you Diordna: it's 5x3x5 units ThemsAllTook: Yes. That means it's a 5x, 3y, 5z grid. Kattmat: Okey. Diordna: then each of the sets of 1's and 0's represents a level within the level Kattmat: So far so good. Diordna: so the first one is the bottom set Diordna: the second one is stacked on top Diordna: and so on Kattmat: Ahaa. dog4: so i get 30fps 1280x960 fullscreen Kattmat: What defines the height of each layer? ThemsAllTook: Heh, beat me to it, Stephen. Diordna: i get ~54 at the same ThemsAllTook: All rooms are cubes of the same size. Diordna: the 3 part Kattmat: Aha. Diordna: it's actually x,z,y Diordna: am i right took? ThemsAllTook: Stephen: Dpeneds on what you consider the Z and Y axes to be. Diordna: oh ok Kattmat: heh. Kattmat: Looks like a cool method for building maps. ThemsAllTook: Yeah, I like it. Diordna: that makes for an easy level editor ThemsAllTook: BBEdit Kattmat: dog4: alright, see you vector heads later ¥dog4 left the chat room for this reason: "Over and out.". 7:32 AM Diordna: yeah, g2g to school ¥Diordna left the chat room for this reason: Remote closed the connection. Kattmat: Thems: Kattmat: Have you guys thought about adding multiplayer support? ThemsAllTook: Vaguely. ThemsAllTook: WAY out of the scope of the contest, though. Kattmat: Yup. Kattmat: But who says you can't continue on the project when the contest's over? ThemsAllTook: Don't know if we'll continue working on this or not. Kattmat: Okey. ThemsAllTook: We'll see. Kattmat: Okey, what the he..... Kattmat: Getting the orientation from 4 points gets.......f*cked up, basically.. ThemsAllTook: Sounds a bit difficult. Kattmat: Yeah.. Kattmat: I check a sphere-polygon collision on each "wheel", move them out of the collision and sets the length to the original length. 7:44 AM Kattmat: ARRGH! ThemsAllTook: 3 hours and 12 minutes left and I only have 3 finished levels... Shit. ¥ThemsAllTook tries to work faster 7:56 AM ¥ThemsAllTook gets even more frazzled ThemsAllTook: OK... My target number of levels is down to 5 now. 8:06 AM Kattmat: 8:34 AM ThemsAllTook: Holy shit... I just spent 15 minutes trying to track down the stupidest "bug" ever... ThemsAllTook: My level parsing seemed to be broken somehow... Objects's X coords were getting zeroed. Sometimes. ThemsAllTook: Eventually I realized I had spelled "PosX" as "PoxX". ThemsAllTook: Sigh... ThemsAllTook: 4/5 done! 8:41 AM Kattmat: 8:59 AM ThemsAllTook: 2 hours left... ¥EvolPenguin joined the chat room. EvolPenguin: hey ThemsAllTook: Hi Al EvolPenguin: hows the entry? ThemsAllTook: This close | | to being done! ThemsAllTook: Working on the last level now... EvolPenguin: cool EvolPenguin: gtg ThemsAllTook: Bye ¥EvolPenguin left the chat room for this reason: Client Quit. 9:22 AM ThemsAllTook: I do believe levels are done! Yay! 9:59 AM ¥maxmutt left the chat room for this reason: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer). ¥hogdotmac joined the chat room. 10:06 AM ¥dog4 joined the chat room. ThemsAllTook: FINISHED! dog4: *drum roll* dog4: taa-daa ThemsAllTook: http://www.sacredsoftware.net/cgi-bin/download.cgi?fileID=infiltration ThemsAllTook: Man... It's been a long night. dog4: what did you change? ThemsAllTook: New levels! 10:11 AM ThemsAllTook: Bug fixes... dog4: i'll give it a shot ThemsAllTook: I finally picked one method of drawing and stuck with it. ThemsAllTook: It works perfectly on my PowerBook, and it doesn't look TOO bad on my Rage 128 Pro. dog4: what are the yellow cubes? dog4: the game is quite descent like ThemsAllTook: Powerup containers. dog4: though the controls are a little spartanic ThemsAllTook: Yeah, it reminds me of descent, too. ThemsAllTook: Yeah... ThemsAllTook: I'm really happy with how it came out. 10:16 AM ThemsAllTook: Way better than I ever would have imagined. dog4: its nice ThemsAllTook: Thanks! ThemsAllTook: Well... I guess I really should head off to work. ThemsAllTook: Thanks for all the support! ThemsAllTook: See you later... dog4: see ya