= Overview = Serialization defines a generic interface for reading, writing, and validating structured data. It is intended to be used by model objects that wish to be serializable, facilitated by concrete subclasses of SerializationContext and DeserializationContext. = Structure = Structured data understood by serialization is categorized into three container types: array, structure, and dictionary. How these are represented in serialized form is up to individual serializers, but each one has a particular set of semantics: * Arrays are linear lists of zero or more values with no associated keys. Any type of value can be stored in any array. Values are read and written in order. Keys are not semantically meaningful for reading and writing array values (and need not be unique), but they may be stored in some serialized formats. * Structures are strictly-ordered lists of key-value pairs. Keys must be unique, and are not necessarily stored in serialized form. When deserializing from a format that stores structure keys, keys may be out of order, but the directives to read and write values must always come in the same order. * Dictionaries are optionally-ordered lists of key-value pairs. Keys are necessarily stored in serialized form, and do not necessarily need to be unique (though dictionaries with non-unique keys must be read a particular way; see below). There are two different calling conventions you can use to read a dictionary depending on whether you want to treat it as ordered or unordered. Behavior is undefined if the two ways of reading dictionaries are intermixed for the same dictionary. * To read a dictionary in an ordered manner, call readNextDictionaryKey() before each value read function, and pass its return value as the key parameter to the value read call. Ordered reading allows for non-unique keys. * To read an unordered dictionary, you must know the keys you wish to read ahead of time. Do not call readNextDictionaryKey(); simply call value read functions with the keys you wish to read, in any order. To check whether a key is present in an unordered dictionary, you can call hasDictionaryKey(); note that it is an error to attempt to read a value with a key that is not present in the dictionary. Unordered reading does not allow for non-unique keys; behavior is undefined when reading a duplicated key. = Examples = Example usage of SerializationContext: context->beginStructure(context, "struct"); context->writeInt8(context, "int8", -40); context->beginDictionary(context, "dict"); context->writeUInt8(context, "uint8", 192); context->writeInt16(context, "int16", -30000); context->endDictionary(context); context->writeUInt16(context, "uint16", 65535); context->writeInt32(context, "int32", -100000); context->beginArray(context, "array"); context->writeUInt32(context, "array_item", 100000); context->writeInt64(context, "array_item", -5000000000); context->writeUInt64(context, "array_item", 5000000000); context->endArray(context); context->writeFloat(context, "float", 0.25); context->writeDouble(context, "double", 1.5); context->writeString(context, "string", "Hello, world!"); context->writeEnumeration(context, "first_enum", ENUM_VALUE_0, enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_0), enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_1), NULL); context->writeEnumeration(context, "second_enum", ENUM_VALUE_1, enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_0), enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_1), NULL); context->writeBitfield8(context, "bitfield8_1", 0x1E, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->writeBitfield8(context, "bitfield8_2", 0x05, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->writeBitfield16(context, "bitfield16_1", 0x001E, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->writeBitfield16(context, "bitfield16_2", 0x0005, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->writeBitfield32(context, "bitfield32_1", 0x0000001Eu, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->writeBitfield32(context, "bitfield32_2", 0x00000005u, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->writeBitfield64(context, "bitfield64_1", 0x000000000000001Eull, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->writeBitfield64(context, "bitfield64_2", 0x0000000000000005ull, "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); context->endStructure(context); Example usage of DeserializationContext, to read back the above data: count = context->beginStructure(context, "struct"); // count: 18 int8 = context->readInt8(context, "int8"); // int8: -40 count = context->beginDictionary(context, "dict"); // count: 2 key = context->readNextDictionaryKey(context); // key: "uint8" uint8 = context->readUInt8(context, key); // uint8: 192 key = context->readNextDictionaryKey(context); // key: "int16" int16 = context->readInt16(context, key); //int16: -30000 context->endDictionary(context); uint16 = context->readUInt16(context, "uint16"); // uint16: 65535 int32 = context->readInt32(context, "int32"); // int32: -100000 count = context->beginArray(context, "array"); // count: 3 uint32 = context->readUInt32(context, "array_item"); // uint32: 100000 int64 = context->readInt64(context, "array_item"); // int64: -5000000000 uint64 = context->readUInt64(context, "array_item"); // uint64: 5000000000 context->endArray(context); floatValue = context->readFloat(context, "float"); // floatValue: 0.25 doubleValue = context->readDouble(context, "double"); // doubleValue: 1.5 string = context->readString(context, "string"); // string: "Hello, world!" enumValue = context->readEnumeration(context, "first_enum", enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_0), enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_1), NULL); // enumValue: ENUM_VALUE_0 enumValue = context->readEnumeration(context, "second_enum", enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_0), enumKV(ENUM_VALUE_1), NULL); // enumValue: ENUM_VALUE_1 uint8 = context->readBitfield8(context, "bitfield8_1", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint8: 0x1E uint8 = context->readBitfield8(context, "bitfield8_2", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint8: 0x05 uint16 = context->readBitfield16(context, "bitfield16_1", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint16: 0x001E uint16 = context->readBitfield16(context, "bitfield16_2", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint16: 0x0005 uint32 = context->readBitfield32(context, "bitfield32_1", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint32: 0x0000001Eu uint32 = context->readBitfield32(context, "bitfield32_2", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint32: 0x00000005u uint64 = context->readBitfield64(context, "bitfield64_1", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint64: 0x000000000000001E uint64 = context->readBitfield64(context, "bitfield64_2", "bit0", "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4", "bit5", NULL); // uint64: 0x0000000000000005 context->endStructure(context); The serialized output of the above code might look like this with a binary serializer: 0000: D8 00 00 00 02 75 69 6E 74 38 00 C0 69 6E 74 31 .....uint8..int1 0010: 36 00 8A D0 FF FF FF FF FF FE 79 60 00 00 00 03 6.........y`.... 0020: 00 01 86 A0 FF FF FF FE D5 FA 0E 00 00 00 00 01 ................ 0030: 2A 05 F2 00 00 00 80 3E 00 00 80 3E 00 00 00 00 *......>...>.... 0040: 48 65 6C 6C 6F 2C 20 77 6F 72 6C 64 21 00 00 00 Hello, world!... 0050: 00 00 00 00 00 01 05 03 00 1E 00 05 00 00 00 1E ................ 0060: 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1E 00 00 00 00 ................ 0070: 00 00 00 05 .... In JSON: { "int8": -40, "dict": { "uint8": 192, "int16": -30000 }, "uint16": 65535, "int32": -100000, "array": [ 100000, -5000000000, 5000000000 ], "float": 0.25, "double": 1.5, "string": "Hello, world!", "first_enum": "ENUM_VALUE_0", "second_enum": "ENUM_VALUE_1", "bitfield8_1": [ "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4" ], "bitfield8_2": [ "bit0", "bit2" ] "bitfield16_1": [ "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4" ], "bitfield16_2": [ "bit0", "bit2" ] "bitfield32_1": [ "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4" ], "bitfield32_2": [ "bit0", "bit2" ] "bitfield64_1": [ "bit1", "bit2", "bit3", "bit4" ], "bitfield64_2": [ "bit0", "bit2" ] } In XML: