2.2.0 (2024-02-25) * Updated for shell 2.2.0 (adds x and y arguments to scrollWheel callback, captureDisplay argument to Shell_enterFullScreen() (implementation note: glxshell never captures the display), different arguments and filters to Shell_openFileDialog() and Shell_saveFileDialog(), and new functions Shell_needsDisplay(), Shell_copyTextToClipboard(), Shell_getClipboardText(), Shell_openFileDialogMultiple(), Shell_chooseFolderDialog(), Shell_executeOnMainThread(), Shell_mouseLeaveFunc(), Shell_moveWindow(), Shell_resizeWindow(), and Shell_moveResizeWindow()) * GLXShellConfiguration's windowWidth and windowHeight are now unsigned * Added key event debouncing for identical timestamps * Removed glgraphics dependency. Glew is now initialized directly by glxshell, and GLGraphics_init() is no longer called. * Shell_getSupportPath() now uses ~/.local/share instead of ~/.config * By default, clicks that activate the window no longer invoke the mouseDown callback. Added GLXShell_sendActivationClicks() to allow reverting to the previous behavior. 2.1.0 (2014-12-13) * Updated for shell 2.1.0 (adds Shell_setVSync (which replaces GLXShell_setVSync), Shell_openFileDialog, Shell_saveFileDialog, Shell_systemBeep, Shell_getSafeWindowRect, Shell_confirmQuitFunc, and isRepeat argument to Shell_keyDownFunc callback) 2.0.0 (2014-10-24) * Updated for shell 2.0.0 (adds multiple display support, scroll wheel events, registered callbacks for input events) * Shell_setCursor(ShellCursor_arrow) now changes to the default cursor rather than XC_top_left_arrow 1.0.0 (2014-01-20) * Initial version