#include "dynamictypes/DataArray.h" #include "dynamictypes/DataAssociativeArray.h" #include "dynamictypes/DataHashTable.h" #include "dynamictypes/DataValue.h" #include "unittest/TestSuite.h" #include "utilities/printfFormats.h" #include static void testCreate() { DataValue value; char * string1 = "abc", * string2 = "foo"; char blob1[] = {0x00, 0x01}, blob2[] = {0x03, 0x05, 0x07}; DataHashTable * hashTable1, * hashTable2; DataArray * array1, * array2; DataAssociativeArray * assArray1, * assArray2; value = valueCreateBoolean(false); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, value.type); TestCase_assert(!value.value.boolean, "Expected false but got true"); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateBoolean(true); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.boolean, "Expected true but got false"); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt8(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT8, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", value.value.int8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt8(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT8, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int8 == 1, "Expected 1 but got %d", value.value.int8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt8(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT8, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", value.value.uint8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt8(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT8, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint8 == 1, "Expected 1 but got %d", value.value.uint8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt16(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT16, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", value.value.int16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt16(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT16, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int16 == 1, "Expected 1 but got %d", value.value.int16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt16(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT16, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", value.value.uint16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt16(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT16, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint16 == 1, "Expected 1 but got %d", value.value.uint16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt32(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT32, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", value.value.int32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt32(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT32, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int32 == 1, "Expected 1 but got %d", value.value.int32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt32(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT32, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", value.value.uint32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt32(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT32, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint32 == 1, "Expected 1 but got %d", value.value.uint32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt64(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT64, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " INT64_FORMAT, value.value.int64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt64(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_INT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT64, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.int64 == 1, "Expected 1 but got " INT64_FORMAT, value.value.int64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt64(0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT64, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " UINT64_FORMAT, value.value.uint64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt64(1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT64, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.uint64 == 1, "Expected 1 but got " UINT64_FORMAT, value.value.uint64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFloat(0.0f); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.float32 == 0.0f, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", value.value.float32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFloat(1.0f); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.float32 == 1.0f, "Expected 1.0 but got %f", value.value.float32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateDouble(0.0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.float64 == 0.0, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", value.value.float64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateDouble(1.0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.float64 == 1.0, "Expected 1.0 but got %f", value.value.float64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(0x00000); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.fixed == 0x00000, "Expected 0x00000 but got 0x%05X", value.value.fixed); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(0x10000); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.fixed == 0x10000, "Expected 0x10000 but got 0x%05X", value.value.fixed); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreatePointer((void *) 0x0); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_POINTER, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_POINTER, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.pointer == (void *) 0x0, "Expected 0x0 but got %p", value.value.pointer); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreatePointer((void *) 0x1); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_POINTER, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_POINTER, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.pointer == (void *) 0x1, "Expected 0x1 but got %p", value.value.pointer); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateString(string1, 2, true, true); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_STRING, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_STRING, value.type); TestCase_assert(!strcmp(value.value.string, "ab"), "Expected \"ab\" but got \"%s\"", value.value.string); TestCase_assert(value.value.string != string1, "Expected differing pointers, but both are %p", string1); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateString(string2, DATA_USE_STRLEN, false, false); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_STRING, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_STRING, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.string == string2, "Expected %p but got %p", string2, value.value.string); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateBlob(blob1, sizeof(blob1), true, true); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_BLOB, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BLOB, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.blob.length == 2, "Expected 2 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, value.value.blob.length); TestCase_assert(!memcmp(value.value.blob.bytes, blob1, sizeof(blob1)), "Expected {0x%02X, 0x%02X} but got {0x%02X, 0x%02X}", blob1[0], blob1[1], ((char *) value.value.blob.bytes)[0], ((char *) value.value.blob.bytes)[1]); TestCase_assert(value.value.blob.bytes != blob1, "Expected differing pointers, but both are %p", blob1); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateBlob(blob2, sizeof(blob2), false, false); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_BLOB, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BLOB, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.blob.length == 3, "Expected 3 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, value.value.blob.length); TestCase_assert(value.value.blob.bytes == blob2, "Expected %p but got %p", blob2, value.value.blob.bytes); valueDispose(&value); hashTable1 = hashCreate(); hashSet(hashTable1, "a", valueCreateBoolean(false)); hashTable2 = hashCreate(); value = valueCreateHashTable(hashTable1, true, true); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.hashTable != hashTable1, "Expected differing pointers, but both are %p", hashTable1); TestCase_assertSizeEqual(hashGetCount(value.value.hashTable), hashGetCount(hashTable1)); TestCase_assert(hashGet(value.value.hashTable, "a") != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(hashGet(value.value.hashTable, "a")->type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, hashGet(value.value.hashTable, "a")->type); TestCase_assert(!hashGet(value.value.hashTable, "a")->value.boolean, "Expected false but got true"); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateHashTable(hashTable2, true, false); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.hashTable == hashTable2, "Expected %p but got %p", hashTable2, value.value.hashTable); valueDispose(&value); array1 = arrayCreate(); arrayAppend(array1, valueCreateBoolean(false)); array2 = arrayCreate(); value = valueCreateArray(array1, true, true); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.array != array1, "Expected differing pointers, but both are %p", array1); TestCase_assert(value.value.array->count == array1->count, "Expected " SIZE_T_FORMAT " but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, array1->count, value.value.array->count); TestCase_assert(arrayGet(value.value.array, 0) != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(arrayGet(value.value.array, 0)->type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, arrayGet(value.value.array, 0)->type); TestCase_assert(!arrayGet(value.value.array, 0)->value.boolean, "Expected false but got true"); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateArray(array2, true, false); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.array == array2, "Expected %p but got %p", array2, value.value.array); valueDispose(&value); assArray1 = associativeArrayCreate(); associativeArrayAppend(assArray1, "a", valueCreateBoolean(false)); assArray2 = associativeArrayCreate(); value = valueCreateAssociativeArray(assArray1, true, true); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.associativeArray != assArray1, "Expected differing pointers, but both are %p", assArray1); TestCase_assert(value.value.associativeArray->count == assArray1->count, "Expected " SIZE_T_FORMAT " but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, assArray1->count, value.value.associativeArray->count); TestCase_assert(associativeArrayGetValueAtIndex(value.value.associativeArray, 0) != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(associativeArrayGetValueAtIndex(value.value.associativeArray, 0)->type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, associativeArrayGetValueAtIndex(value.value.associativeArray, 0)->type); TestCase_assert(!associativeArrayGetValueAtIndex(value.value.associativeArray, 0)->value.boolean, "Expected false but got true"); TestCase_assert(!strcmp(associativeArrayGetKeyAtIndex(value.value.associativeArray, 0), "a"), "Expected \"a\" but got \"%s\"", associativeArrayGetKeyAtIndex(value.value.associativeArray, 0)); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateAssociativeArray(assArray2, true, false); TestCase_assert(value.type == DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, value.type); TestCase_assert(value.value.associativeArray == assArray2, "Expected %p but got %p", assArray2, value.value.associativeArray); valueDispose(&value); } static void testGet() { DataValue value; bool boolean; int8_t int8; uint8_t uint8; int16_t int16; uint16_t uint16; int32_t int32; uint32_t uint32; int64_t int64; uint64_t uint64; float float32; double float64; fixed16_16 fixed; void * pointer; const char * string; size_t length; const void * blob; DataHashTable * hashTable, * hashTableResult; DataArray * array, * arrayResult; DataAssociativeArray * assArray, * assArrayResult; value = valueCreateBoolean(false); boolean = valueGetBoolean(&value); TestCase_assert(!boolean, "Expected false but got true"); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateBoolean(true); boolean = valueGetBoolean(&value); TestCase_assert(boolean, "Expected true but got false"); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt8(0); int8 = valueGetInt8(&value); TestCase_assert(int8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", int8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt8(INT8_MIN); int8 = valueGetInt8(&value); TestCase_assert(int8 == INT8_MIN, "Expected -128 but got %d", int8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt8(0); uint8 = valueGetUInt8(&value); TestCase_assert(uint8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", uint8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt8(UINT8_MAX); uint8 = valueGetUInt8(&value); TestCase_assert(uint8 == UINT8_MAX, "Expected 255 but got %u", uint8); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt16(0); int16 = valueGetInt16(&value); TestCase_assert(int16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", int16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt16(INT16_MIN); int16 = valueGetInt16(&value); TestCase_assert(int16 == INT16_MIN, "Expected -32768 but got %d", int16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt16(0); uint16 = valueGetUInt16(&value); TestCase_assert(uint16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", uint16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt16(UINT16_MAX); uint16 = valueGetUInt16(&value); TestCase_assert(uint16 == UINT16_MAX, "Expected 65535 but got %u", uint16); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt32(0); int32 = valueGetInt32(&value); TestCase_assert(int32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", int32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt32(INT32_MIN); int32 = valueGetInt32(&value); TestCase_assert(int32 == INT32_MIN, "Expected -214783648 but got %d", int32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt32(0); uint32 = valueGetUInt32(&value); TestCase_assert(uint32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", uint32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt32(UINT32_MAX); uint32 = valueGetUInt32(&value); TestCase_assert(uint32 == UINT32_MAX, "Expected 4294967295 but got %u", uint32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt64(0); int64 = valueGetInt64(&value); TestCase_assert(int64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " INT64_FORMAT, int64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateInt64(INT64_MIN); int64 = valueGetInt64(&value); TestCase_assert(int64 == INT64_MIN, "Expected -9223372036854775808 but got " INT64_FORMAT, int64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt64(0); uint64 = valueGetUInt64(&value); TestCase_assert(uint64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " UINT64_FORMAT, uint64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateUInt64(UINT64_MAX); uint64 = valueGetUInt64(&value); TestCase_assert(uint64 == UINT64_MAX, "Expected 18446744073709551615 but got " UINT64_FORMAT, uint64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFloat(0.0f); float32 = valueGetFloat(&value); TestCase_assert(float32 == 0.0f, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", float32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFloat(FLT_MAX); float32 = valueGetFloat(&value); TestCase_assert(float32 == FLT_MAX, "Expected %f but got %f", FLT_MAX, float32); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateDouble(0.0); float64 = valueGetDouble(&value); TestCase_assert(float64 == 0.0, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", float64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateDouble(DBL_MAX); float64 = valueGetDouble(&value); TestCase_assert(float64 == DBL_MAX, "Expected %f but got %f", DBL_MAX, float64); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(0x00000); fixed = valueGetFixed16_16(&value); TestCase_assert(fixed == 0x00000, "Expected 0x00000 but got 0x%05X", fixed); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(FIXED_16_16_MIN); fixed = valueGetFixed16_16(&value); TestCase_assert(fixed == FIXED_16_16_MIN, "Expected 0x%05X but got 0x%05X", FIXED_16_16_MIN, fixed); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreatePointer(NULL); pointer = valueGetPointer(&value); TestCase_assert(pointer == NULL, "Expected NULL but got %p", pointer); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreatePointer((void *) 0xFFFFFFFF); pointer = valueGetPointer(&value); TestCase_assert(pointer == (void *) 0xFFFFFFFF, "Expected 0xffffffff but got %p", pointer); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateString("", DATA_USE_STRLEN, false, false); string = valueGetString(&value); TestCase_assert(string != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(!strcmp(string, ""), "Expected \"\" but got \"%s\"", string); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateString("abc", DATA_USE_STRLEN, false, false); string = valueGetString(&value); TestCase_assert(string != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(!strcmp(string, "abc"), "Expected \"abc\" but got \"%s\"", string); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateBlob("", 0, false, false); blob = valueGetBlob(&value, &length); TestCase_assert(blob != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(length == 0, "Expected 0 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, length); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateBlob("\x00\xFF", 2, false, false); blob = valueGetBlob(&value, &length); TestCase_assert(blob != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(length == 2, "Expected 2 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, length); TestCase_assert(!memcmp(blob, "\x00\xFF", 2), "Expected {0x00, 0xFF} but got {0x%02X, 0x%02X}", ((char *) blob)[0], ((char *) blob)[1]); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateHashTable(hashTable = hashCreate(), true, false); hashTableResult = valueGetHashTable(&value); TestCase_assert(hashTableResult == hashTable, "Expected %p but got %p", hashTable, hashTableResult); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateArray(array = arrayCreate(), true, false); arrayResult = valueGetArray(&value); TestCase_assert(arrayResult == array, "Expected %p but got %p", array, arrayResult); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateAssociativeArray(assArray = associativeArrayCreate(), true, false); assArrayResult = valueGetAssociativeArray(&value); TestCase_assert(assArrayResult == assArray, "Expected %p but got %p", assArray, assArrayResult); valueDispose(&value); } static void testCopy() { DataValue value, copy; DataHashTable * hashTable; DataArray * array; DataAssociativeArray * assArray; value = valueCreateBoolean(false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, copy.type); TestCase_assert(!copy.value.boolean, "Expected false but got true"); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateBoolean(true); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.boolean, "Expected true but got false"); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt8(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT8, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", copy.value.int8); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt8(INT8_MIN); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT8, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int8 == INT8_MIN, "Expected -128 but got %d", copy.value.int8); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt8(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT8, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", copy.value.uint8); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt8(UINT8_MAX); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT8, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT8, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint8 == UINT8_MAX, "Expected 255 but got %u", copy.value.uint8); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt16(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT16, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", copy.value.int16); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt16(INT16_MIN); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT16, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int16 == INT16_MIN, "Expected -32768 but got %d", copy.value.int16); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt16(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT16, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", copy.value.uint16); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt16(UINT16_MAX); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT16, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint16 == UINT16_MAX, "Expected 65535 but got %u", copy.value.uint16); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt32(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT32, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", copy.value.int32); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt32(INT32_MIN); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT32, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int32 == INT32_MIN, "Expected -214783648 but got %d", copy.value.int32); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt32(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT32, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", copy.value.uint32); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt32(UINT32_MAX); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT32, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT32, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint32 == UINT32_MAX, "Expected 4294967295 but got %u", copy.value.uint32); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt64(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT64, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " INT64_FORMAT, copy.value.int64); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateInt64(INT64_MIN); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_INT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_INT64, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.int64 == INT64_MIN, "Expected -9223372036854775808 but got " INT64_FORMAT, copy.value.int64); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt64(0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT64, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " UINT64_FORMAT, copy.value.uint64); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateUInt64(UINT64_MAX); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_UINT64, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_UINT64, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.uint64 == UINT64_MAX, "Expected 18446744073709551615 but got " UINT64_FORMAT, copy.value.uint64); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateFloat(0.0f); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.float32 == 0.0f, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", copy.value.float32); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateFloat(FLT_MAX); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.float32 == FLT_MAX, "Expected %f but got %f", FLT_MAX, copy.value.float32); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateDouble(0.0); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.float64 == 0.0, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", copy.value.float64); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateDouble(DBL_MAX); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.float64 == DBL_MAX, "Expected %f but got %f", DBL_MAX, copy.value.float64); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(0x00000); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.fixed == 0x00000, "Expected 0x00000 but got 0x%05X", copy.value.fixed); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(FIXED_16_16_MIN); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_FIXED_16_16, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.fixed == FIXED_16_16_MIN, "Expected 0x%05X but got 0x%05X", FIXED_16_16_MIN, copy.value.fixed); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreatePointer(NULL); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_POINTER, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_POINTER, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.pointer == NULL, "Expected NULL but got %p", copy.value.pointer); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreatePointer((void *) 0xFFFFFFFF); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_POINTER, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_POINTER, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.pointer == (void *) 0xFFFFFFFF, "Expected 0xffffffff but got %p", copy.value.pointer); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateString("", DATA_USE_STRLEN, false, false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_STRING, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_STRING, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.string != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(!strcmp(copy.value.string, ""), "Expected \"\" but got \"%s\"", copy.value.string); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateString("abc", DATA_USE_STRLEN, false, false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_STRING, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_STRING, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.string != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(!strcmp(copy.value.string, "abc"), "Expected \"abc\" but got \"%s\"", copy.value.string); TestCase_assert(copy.value.string == value.value.string, "Expected %p but got %p", value.value.string, copy.value.string); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateString("abc", DATA_USE_STRLEN, true, true); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_STRING, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_STRING, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.string != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(!strcmp(copy.value.string, "abc"), "Expected \"abc\" but got \"%s\"", copy.value.string); TestCase_assert(copy.value.string != value.value.string, "Expected pointers to differ, but both are %p", copy.value.string); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateBlob("", 0, false, false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_BLOB, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BLOB, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.bytes != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.length == 0, "Expected 0 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, copy.value.blob.length); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateBlob("\x00\xFF", 2, false, false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_BLOB, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BLOB, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.bytes != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.length == 2, "Expected 2 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, copy.value.blob.length); TestCase_assert(!memcmp(copy.value.blob.bytes, "\x00\xFF", 2), "Expected {0x00, 0xFF} but got {0x%02X, 0x%02X}", ((char *) copy.value.blob.bytes)[0], ((char *) copy.value.blob.bytes)[1]); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.bytes == value.value.blob.bytes, "Expected %p but got %p", value.value.blob.bytes, copy.value.blob.bytes); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateBlob("\x00\xFF", 2, true, true); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_BLOB, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_BLOB, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.bytes != NULL, "Expected non-NULL but got NULL"); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.length == 2, "Expected 2 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, copy.value.blob.length); TestCase_assert(!memcmp(copy.value.blob.bytes, "\x00\xFF", 2), "Expected {0x00, 0xFF} but got {0x%02X, 0x%02X}", ((char *) copy.value.blob.bytes)[0], ((char *) copy.value.blob.bytes)[1]); TestCase_assert(copy.value.blob.bytes != value.value.blob.bytes, "Expected pointers to differ, but both are %p", copy.value.blob.bytes); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); hashTable = hashCreate(); hashSet(hashTable, "a", valueCreateBoolean(false)); value = valueCreateHashTable(hashTable, false, false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.hashTable == value.value.hashTable, "Expected %p but got %p", value.value.hashTable, copy.value.hashTable); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateHashTable(hashTable, true, true); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, copy.type); TestCase_assertSizeEqual(hashGetCount(copy.value.hashTable), 1); TestCase_assert(copy.value.hashTable != value.value.hashTable, "Expected pointers to differ, but both are %p", copy.value.hashTable); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); hashDispose(hashTable); array = arrayCreate(); arrayAppend(array, valueCreateBoolean(false)); value = valueCreateArray(array, false, false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.array == value.value.array, "Expected %p but got %p", value.value.array, copy.value.array); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateArray(array, true, true); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ARRAY, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.array->count == 1, "Expected 1 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, copy.value.array->count); TestCase_assert(copy.value.array != value.value.array, "Expected pointers to differ, but both are %p", copy.value.array); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); arrayDispose(array); assArray = associativeArrayCreate(); associativeArrayAppend(assArray, "a", valueCreateBoolean(false)); value = valueCreateAssociativeArray(assArray, false, false); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.associativeArray == value.value.associativeArray, "Expected %p but got %p", value.value.associativeArray, copy.value.associativeArray); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); value = valueCreateAssociativeArray(assArray, true, true); copy = valueCopy(&value); TestCase_assert(copy.type == DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, "Expected %d but got %d", DATA_TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE_ARRAY, copy.type); TestCase_assert(copy.value.associativeArray->count == 1, "Expected 1 but got " SIZE_T_FORMAT, copy.value.associativeArray->count); TestCase_assert(copy.value.associativeArray != value.value.associativeArray, "Expected pointers to differ, but both are %p", copy.value.associativeArray); valueDispose(&value); valueDispose(©); associativeArrayDispose(assArray); } #define getAllValues(value) \ boolean = valueGetBoolean(&value); \ int8 = valueGetInt8(&value); \ uint8 = valueGetUInt8(&value); \ int16 = valueGetInt16(&value); \ uint16 = valueGetUInt16(&value); \ int32 = valueGetInt32(&value); \ uint32 = valueGetUInt32(&value); \ int64 = valueGetInt64(&value); \ uint64 = valueGetUInt64(&value); \ float32 = valueGetFloat(&value); \ float64 = valueGetDouble(&value); \ fixed = valueGetFixed16_16(&value); \ pointer = valueGetPointer(&value); \ string = valueGetString(&value); \ blob = valueGetBlob(&value, NULL); \ hashTable = valueGetHashTable(&value); \ array = valueGetArray(&value); \ assArray = valueGetAssociativeArray(&value) #define assertAllPrimitiveTypes(expectedBooleanValue, expectedIntegerValue, expectedFloatValue, expectedFixedValue) \ TestCase_assert(boolean == expectedBooleanValue, "Expected %s but got %s (boolean)", expectedBooleanValue ? "true" : "false", boolean ? "true" : "false"); \ TestCase_assert(int8 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected %d but got %d (int8)", (int8_t) expectedIntegerValue, int8); \ TestCase_assert(uint8 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected %u but got %u (uint8)", (uint8_t) expectedIntegerValue, uint8); \ TestCase_assert(int16 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected %d but got %d (int16)", (int16_t) expectedIntegerValue, int16); \ TestCase_assert(uint16 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected %u but got %u (uint16)", (uint16_t) expectedIntegerValue, uint16); \ TestCase_assert(int32 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected %d but got %d (int32)", (int32_t) expectedIntegerValue, int32); \ TestCase_assert(uint32 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected %u but got %u (uint32)", (uint32_t) expectedIntegerValue, uint32); \ TestCase_assert(int64 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected " INT64_FORMAT " but got " INT64_FORMAT " (int64)", (int64_t) expectedIntegerValue, int64); \ TestCase_assert(uint64 == expectedIntegerValue, "Expected " UINT64_FORMAT " but got " UINT64_FORMAT " (uint64)", (uint64_t) expectedIntegerValue, uint64); \ TestCase_assert(float32 == expectedFloatValue, "Expected %f but got %f (float)", expectedFloatValue, float32); \ TestCase_assert(float64 == expectedFloatValue, "Expected %f but got %f (double)", expectedFloatValue, float64); \ TestCase_assert(fixed == expectedFixedValue, "Expected 0x%05X but got 0x%05X (fixed16_16)", expectedFixedValue, fixed) #define assertAllPointerTypesSeparate(expectedPointerValue, expectedStringValue, expectedBlobValue, expectedHashTableValue, expectedArrayValue, expectedAssArrayValue) \ TestCase_assert(pointer == (void *) expectedPointerValue, "Expected %p but got %p (pointer)", expectedPointerValue, pointer); \ TestCase_assert(string == (void *) expectedStringValue, "Expected %p but got %p (string)", expectedStringValue, string); \ TestCase_assert(blob == (void *) expectedBlobValue, "Expected %p but got %p (blob)", expectedBlobValue, blob); \ TestCase_assert(hashTable == (void *) expectedHashTableValue, "Expected %p but got %p (hashTable)", expectedHashTableValue, hashTable); \ TestCase_assert(array == (void *) expectedArrayValue, "Expected %p but got %p (array)", expectedArrayValue, array); \ TestCase_assert(assArray == (void *) expectedAssArrayValue, "Expected %p but got %p (associativeArray)", expectedAssArrayValue, assArray) #define assertAllPointerTypes(expectedValue) \ assertAllPointerTypesSeparate(expectedValue, expectedValue, expectedValue, expectedValue, expectedValue, expectedValue) #define assertAllTypes(expectedBooleanValue, expectedIntegerValue, expectedFloatValue, expectedFixedValue, expectedPointerValue) \ assertAllPrimitiveTypes(expectedBooleanValue, expectedIntegerValue, expectedFloatValue, expectedFixedValue); \ assertAllPointerTypes(expectedPointerValue) static void testConversions() { DataValue value; bool boolean; int8_t int8; uint8_t uint8; int16_t int16; uint16_t uint16; int32_t int32; uint32_t uint32; int64_t int64; uint64_t uint64; float float32; double float64; fixed16_16 fixed; void * pointer; const char * string; const void * blob; DataHashTable * hashTable; DataArray * array; DataAssociativeArray * assArray; value = valueCreateBoolean(false); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(0, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateBoolean(true); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt8(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt8(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt8(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt8(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt16(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt16(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt16(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt16(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt32(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt32(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt32(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt32(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt64(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateInt64(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt64(0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateUInt64(1); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateFloat(0.0f); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateFloat(1.0f); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateFloat(1.25f); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.25, 0x14000, NULL); value = valueCreateDouble(0.0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateDouble(1.0); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateDouble(1.25); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.25, 0x14000, NULL); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(0x00000); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000, NULL); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(0x10000); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.0, 0x10000, NULL); value = valueCreateFixed16_16(0x14000); getAllValues(value); assertAllTypes(true, 1, 1.25, 0x14000, NULL); value = valueCreatePointer(NULL); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypes(NULL); value = valueCreatePointer((void *) 0x1); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypesSeparate((void *) 0x1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); value = valueCreateString(NULL, 0, false, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypes(NULL); value = valueCreateString("abcd", 4, false, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypesSeparate(value.value.string, value.value.string, value.value.string, NULL, NULL, NULL); value = valueCreateBlob(NULL, 0, false, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypes(NULL); value = valueCreateBlob("abcd", 4, false, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypesSeparate(value.value.blob.bytes, NULL, value.value.blob.bytes, NULL, NULL, NULL); value = valueCreateHashTable(NULL, false, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypes(NULL); value = valueCreateHashTable(hashCreate(), true, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypesSeparate(value.value.hashTable, NULL, NULL, value.value.hashTable, NULL, NULL); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateArray(NULL, false, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypes(NULL); value = valueCreateArray(arrayCreate(), true, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypesSeparate(value.value.array, NULL, NULL, NULL, value.value.array, NULL); valueDispose(&value); value = valueCreateAssociativeArray(NULL, false, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypes(NULL); value = valueCreateAssociativeArray(associativeArrayCreate(), true, false); getAllValues(value); assertAllPrimitiveTypes(false, 0, 0.0, 0x00000); assertAllPointerTypesSeparate(value.value.associativeArray, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, value.value.associativeArray); valueDispose(&value); } static void testNullTolerance() { bool boolean; int8_t int8; uint8_t uint8; int16_t int16; uint16_t uint16; int32_t int32; uint32_t uint32; int64_t int64; uint64_t uint64; float float32; double float64; fixed16_16 fixed; void * pointer; const char * string; const void * blob; DataHashTable * hashTable; DataArray * array; DataAssociativeArray * assArray; boolean = valueGetBoolean(NULL); TestCase_assert(!boolean, "Expected false but got true"); int8 = valueGetInt8(NULL); TestCase_assert(int8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", int8); uint8 = valueGetUInt8(NULL); TestCase_assert(uint8 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", uint8); int16 = valueGetInt16(NULL); TestCase_assert(int16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", int16); uint16 = valueGetUInt16(NULL); TestCase_assert(uint16 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", uint16); int32 = valueGetInt32(NULL); TestCase_assert(int32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %d", int32); uint32 = valueGetUInt32(NULL); TestCase_assert(uint32 == 0, "Expected 0 but got %u", uint32); int64 = valueGetInt64(NULL); TestCase_assert(int64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " INT64_FORMAT, int64); uint64 = valueGetUInt64(NULL); TestCase_assert(uint64 == 0, "Expected 0 but got " UINT64_FORMAT, uint64); float32 = valueGetFloat(NULL); TestCase_assert(float32 == 0.0f, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", float32); float64 = valueGetDouble(NULL); TestCase_assert(float64 == 0.0, "Expected 0.0 but got %f", float64); fixed = valueGetFixed16_16(NULL); TestCase_assert(fixed == 0x00000, "Expected 0x00000 but got 0x%05X", fixed); pointer = valueGetPointer(NULL); TestCase_assert(pointer == NULL, "Expected NULL but got %p", pointer); string = valueGetString(NULL); TestCase_assert(string == NULL, "Expected NULL but got \"%s\"", string); blob = valueGetBlob(NULL, NULL); TestCase_assert(blob == NULL, "Expected NULL but got %p", blob); hashTable = valueGetHashTable(NULL); TestCase_assert(hashTable == NULL, "Expected NULL but got %p", hashTable); array = valueGetArray(NULL); TestCase_assert(array == NULL, "Expected NULL but got %p", array); assArray = valueGetAssociativeArray(NULL); TestCase_assert(assArray == NULL, "Expected NULL but got %p", assArray); } TEST_SUITE(DataValueTest, testCreate, testGet, testCopy, testConversions, testNullTolerance)